Most of you will fondly remember a post not too long ago...entitled Transitions.....
okay...hopefully some of you...may remember...if not...Here is where you can refresh your memory...or perhaps read it for the first time.....
As life's journey goes...there is a teeny-tiny....wee...little transition that we at Project Mommyhood have begun to experience.....which has completely and utterly taken over our lives.....
The Two One Nap....transition......
It never occured to me...why A) the bookcase full of parenting books I have skimmed over this topic with mearly a sentence or two....and B) why both my mother and sister...who have experienced this and yet have kept quite mum.....until this last week....when I's a conspiracy....
to DRIVE ME CRAZY... darling....lovable...squeezable....little boy....takes whatever parenting advice I have gotten on the situation and has said..."ain't gonna happen"...and "not in this lifetime"
We've tried pushing morning nap back by 20 minutes each hopefully by the time he's 4 get him on a nap schedule again....
We've done the play dates till you drop routine....which really means play dates till mommy drops....(I had no idea I had given birth to the Energizer Bunny)
I've tried the "Your Going down whether your tired or not"...and for an hour listen to him try and figure out how to stage a prison break.....
As of this weekend....all bets were off....and the parents finally won a battle....with the nap being taken during an hour and a half anywhere.....somewhere....just don't stop the car too long...or he'll wake up....
I'm starting to feel that puberty ain't got nothin on toddlerhood.....
Toddlerhood 1.....mommy 0......
14 comments: cute! I love the toddler it's mine graphic! Where did you find it?
Ohhh I can relate (to a certain degree) the toddler I watch is 18 months and she all the sudden has become miss attitude! The tantrums! and now i'm watching her on the video monitor trying to take off her's gonna be a long day lol
Oh dear. This is the one thing Noah actually does well, so I don't have any great advice for you. I can tell you his schedule, which may help?
Up @ 7. Down for nap at 11. Sleeps 2 hours (if I am lucky). Then bed at 8.
I would push the nap for later, but the boy just can't make it. It took 3 weeks to adjust to just 1 nap a day. And we really had to play with it to make it work.
Hope you find your groove soon!
You just wait......for my oldest and youngest, the naps completely ended around the age of two! With the oldest, I would try so hard to get her to just lay on her bed for an didn't work! My middle napped until she was almost it could happen, but most likely not!'s no's just something nobody likes to remember!
Toddlerhood kicked my arse a year ago. And he was only 1!
You won my give-away if you are interested in collecting, let me know. If not, let me know and I will pass it off to the next commenter! Thanks!
hahaha. yes!
They sure are beautiful when they sleep (wink, wink)
Thanks for donating that!
I'm not even there yet, the dude is 10 mos., and I feel you. Bed at 8? Just a pipe dream in our house. He'd rather rock out until 11. We have even let him cry it out and he just goes to sleep for a little bit and wakes up. Ahhhhhhhhh.
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday on my SITS day! My husband and I love the name Noah. I know there are tough times, but you seem like a great mom.
Oh your posts look fun! I found you from MBC! I have a toddler girl and she refuses to nap anymore:( Anyways I look forward to reading your blog and trying to catch up to it so i'm not out of the loop!
Toddlerhood is kicking my butt too. Sadie recently started hating her crib and I think there is a Boogie Monster in there that I have to find.
While I was not too pleased when Little Miss quit taking naps, it has made running errands and visiting friends and family a bit easier without having to worry about a nap. :)
Each of my boys has worn this on a shirt! I love it!
Love the shot of him asleep. I hope the nap thing gets better... after four children I know it can!
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