Sunday, May 9, 2010

For All You Mamas....

On this the day to Honor and Celebrate Motherhood.....My Top 10 Thing I never knew about Motherhood.....until now.....

1. That you can live off of only 4 hours of sleep, and it have nothing to do with cramming for midterms or having had one too many vodka tonics....

2. That you do end up finding something new and exciting about Elmo in Grouchland...even after the 500th time you've watched it.

3. That there are Levels of Poopy Diaper....from bunny Atomic....

4. That you are still lovable, even with baby food stuck to your shirt

5. That you find yourself actually more excited to outfit your child...than yourself...(who knew that would happen)

6. That you could end up being really good friends with someone who babbles....wears diapers....and likes to stick their fingers up their noses....

7. How once you have children....days seem like hours, hours like mins....and years like months.....

8. You actually can see things through the back of your head.....and through doors for that matter...

9. Your fabulous Dinnertime Conversation with your husband....inevetibly always goes back to the children....

10. As much as you loved your pre-baby sure as heck wouldn't trade in your post-baby days to go back.....

*** And DON'T Forget, Tomorrow Marks the First Day of our 2nd Annual Mommy Blogger of the Year Contest *** Come By with your Nominations! (The Shops at 24Seven)


Andrea said...

Happy Mother's Day! I love this list. I totally agree, although sometimes my days go by like months. ;)

Unknown said...

Happy day after Mother's Day to you! I hope you had a great day. Love the list, especially #10!