Thursday, August 12, 2010

Letting Go...and Whipping it Out.....

I know what you are thinking, because I have had the very same thought a time or two.
"You have a 2 year old. Didn't you Whip that puppy out in Public with him?"

My answer to that question is once....
kind of....
in a very awkward....for both of us kind of way....

The traumatizing experience happend on a train ride from South Jersey to NYC.....I had the fabulous idea to feed Noah right before we drove to the station, in the HOPES that he wouldn't be hungry in the short hour ride up to the city....

Yeah, HE totally wasn't picking up, what I was throwin down.....if you get my drift....
I think we made it a whole 15 minutes before the little ham-hock was letting the entire train know that he was STARVING.....

That led to one majorly awkward moment of trying to get him to latch,
2 Strange voyeuristic type neighbors,
and by the end of it a super sassy tee-shirt with a very large, strategic leak spot...right on the front.....

I told myself. NEVER. AGAIN.....

I spent the next 7 months, feeding at home, taking smaller trips, pumping and storing.....all to avoid whipping out the boob in any kind of public setting. It was my inexperience, at being a mother I think in general, that allowed me to feel Exposed, vulnerable...and even a little embarrassed at the idea of breast feeding in public.

Fast Forward 2 years later.....

I'm older.....

Somewhat Wiser.....

and I think when I get right down to it.....

I Just don't give two hoots...

Check it....

Time: 2:30 in the Afternoon

Place: Playdate at the Park....

The time had come to either continue on the path I had been on, and bring out the bottle I had made sure to bring on our outing, or it was time to put on my big girl panties, throw caution to the wind...and do what millions of other mommies are fearlessly doing.....

All I can say is,

My Second attempt at Public Breast Feeding, went MUCH better than the first.....

a) I had My super Snazzy...uber chic Hooter keep those peeping Toms at bay....

b) and probably most importantly, I was more Relaxed. I think since I wasn't getting all flumoxed at the idea of maybe a nip slip here or there.....Wee Man wasn't either....

Plus, by attempting public breastfeeding in a location FULL of other moms, who most likely are or have been in the same one gave a second thought to the mom on the bench with the uber-chic hooter hider...

I told The Hubs, that now I feel amazingly free, even more comfortable in my woman-ness....

He later filled me in that he became just a little worried that feeling all this womanly freedom, I would next tell him that I wanted to stop shaving all together and move the family into a tee-pee....

Yeah, not so much.....

Will I make public Breast feeding a common occurance.....I'm not sure...We'll take it one day

and one Boob at a time.....


Devan @ Accustomed Chaos said...

good for you! The more you do it the more natural it will feel. I am now able to whip it out discretely without the need for a cover (since my babe will NOT tolerate it) - 18mo & going strong :D

Mammatalk said...

I had the same experience with my kids. When is our society going to realized boobs are for feeding babies?? If baby is hungry, baby needs to eat...without a mom feeling ashamed or stared at.

Good for you!

S Club Mama said...

I never fed in public...once in a Walmart parking lot. That was hard. But I couldn't get the hang of it in private either so I don't feel bad LOL

Kristin said...

I have successfully nursed 4 kids ( still nursing one) and I still don't feel completely comfortable nursing in public. I do it when I need to but try to avoid it. It is a weird hang up that I wish that I didn't have. Now at 10 months old my son will not tolerate any type of cover over us. he is also easily distracted by the surroundings. He has left me bare boobed to smile at a passing stranger more then once. Thanks for posting your success.

Heather Jones said...

That was a good read. My first exposed moment while breastfeeding in public was at a high school graduation. A guy was calmly talking into a microphone I was looking down at my son, then all of a sudden people with noisemakers and horns started up and my son was so frightened by the ordeal, he bit me then turned his head and my entire breast was there for the world to see. I scrambled to cover myself. But thankfully that didn't deter me from breastfeeding again in public. Sometimes stuff just happens or the baby is too fussy to cooperate. Anyway I now like the term hooter hiders. LOL

Hope you stop by and visit me soon. Found you on Bloggy Moms.

Mommy Only Has Two Hands!