My Sweet Pooh...
The most wonderful little munchkin man...a mommy could ever have asked for.....
You are so happy go lucky....easy like Sunday Morning.....and 90% of the time smell wonderful like baby powder with hint of maple syrup.... you think...quite could help a woman out....I'm sure daddy is really tired of me looking like this in the mornings.....
And I don't think it's funny when people don't recognize me before 8:00 because I sound like Harvey Fierstein....
You is quite wonderful to sleep the whole night aren't missing anything....and who really cares about 3AM informercials......we can just as easily get the point and paint....patch perfect...or the time life oldies collection at 3 P.M...promise....
Now...I understand you and Grandma had a talk...and that part of this is Karma for me waking up every two hours until I was two....but really....I think I've learned my lesson...
So...I think pretty and I may have to come to a meetingn of the minds....and I warn you....I've been watching WWE...and I've got a few moves up my sleeve....
Just remember...sweet Pooh...I'm in charge of the camera....and mommies don't get angry....we just get even...

and one day you will be dating.....
What was that you say??? You'll try to possibly....just maybe...perhaps.....think about sleeping through the night without any midnight snacks?????
Now is it because of the picture???? The Blue Star is a nice touch wouldn't you say??? No??? You don't like the whole world seeing what your mama does to you???
Well okay....I promise I'll stop taking embarrassing photos....and you promise you'll let me sleep more....
See it's all about compromise.....
You really are the most wonderful little munchkin man....a mommy could ever want.....
(why do I get the feeling tomorrow I'll be looking like a hungover drag queen in curlers again?...Where's the Sanka?)
Forget need the real stuff...Kona baby!
Lol...Your day will come. Soon I hope! ;)
Hahaha, what a hilarious post and great way to start the morning! I'm feelin' ya too, my littlest munchkin loves her midnight snack and cuddle with mommy! It does go by quickly though :-(
Too funny!!! What a cute post. I remember those days. Just hang will happen...someday. :)
I'm still waiting for that day too! I had 1 teaser a few months back, but other than that we are up at 12, 3 and 5. I really, really do feel your pain!
Sleep, it's over rated anyhow! *LOL*
When you become a mom, you lose your right to sleep...FOREVER! heh heh heh
LOL....Sanka...I haven't heard the word Sanka since I was a kid! Too funny. Read the happiest baby/happies toddler on the block! It worked for us!
Awww! He's so cute!
Thanks for stopping by my SITS featured blog today! I love meeting new bloggers!
Oh man....I remember those days! My youngest did not sleep through the night until she was almost 2! Good luck...get a nap today!
lol I could not stop laughing reading your post!!
You're right, Moms don't get mad..they get even!
Good luck with the whole sleeping thing..I will be feeling your pain in a matter of days..or weeks? Perhaps years?
You'll just have to read my blog to fully understand what I mean today LOL
Too funny! I hope Pooh takes your threat, oops, I mean advice seriously. LOL
Those days are still fresh in my memory. Ugh. Hang in there. It WILL end soon!
Too cute! I always remind my kids of those great baby pictures we have ;-) I'm sure your little one will sleep through the night soon!
My son and I really disagreed on this also, until he was about 15 months. It all happened late one night (or early in the AM, however you look at it) and Dada and myself were litterally too dog tired to even move. My son cried and we just layed there, and fell back to sleep. And so did the little one. So from that night on, we just started letting him cry and he got the picture after about a week. Believe me, the nights I wasn't dog-tired, it was hard for me. But I now, I am so thankful for those solid nights of sleep!
Oh, hahahaha! your mom put that curse on you too, huh!
I haven't slept since 2001. Forget Sanka. All about the Starbucks baby.
Oh, Man I hope is starts sleeping through the night for you soon. Monkey has been giving us a bit of trouble lately and it is driving me bonkers!
This was priceless and the photos are so cute..
Dorothy from grammology
He is too cute!
Hope you both slumber peacfully soon!
Hahahaha!! What a funny post...I love reading what you write. So funny, but Pooh will sleep thru the nite soon...I know it!
Super cute blog! Love the whole morning drag queen look! (I look like that even with my coffee!!!)
And anyone who has a picture of Molly Shannon in her superstar pose is a bonafide rockstar in my book! I am now a loyal fan!
Ohh... I agree... Very very much.
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