Friday, May 8, 2009

Blankie's Gone Crazy......

It has arrived....the dreaded attachment to the woobie.....dum dum dummmmmm......

Oh yes.....where we need to bring the giant sized woobie with us wherever we go.....because if we don't....who knows what could happen to the poor woobie at of the dogs could bury it in the back yard....or armed intruders could woobie-nap it for ransom....the list is endless...and I have no idea what my sons fears are...considering the only three words he says are baba...dada...and the th sound....

and after the first few "second" trips back to the grocery rescue the woobie from the shopping cart that we left it in....I have said....I can't take it anymore.....

So I decided to make him a mini-woobie....a woobie to go.....and it has made life ever so much easier....

also because sewing helps me work through issues and find some sort of clarity....I've also made two more....(so far) and added them to Noah Baby Boutique....I've been needing some clarity...

they really are the PERFECT size....I can just throw it in the diaper bag when he's done woobie-ing on second trips to the more case of the dreads with the idea of taking a massive blankie....everyone is happy......for now....dum dum dummmmmmmm


Marshmallow Circus said...

Super cute!

Green said...

Those are beautiful!

I'm not going to be posting for a while (or It'll be hit and miss) and I wanted to let you know.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Now that's adorable!

The Me/ The Wife/ The Mom said...

Love, love, love your little blankies! My kids call them "naps".

There are two books that I read to my children that really epitomize for me the love of might want to check them out. One is "Owen" by Kevin Henkes and the other is "Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale" by Mo Willems.

I'm gonna check out your Etsy store. Cheers!

Lyndsay Wells said...

Those are great! Love the idea :-)

Debbie said...

Those are adorable and such a great idea!

Sublime Dream said...

VERY CUTE! Luckily, so far, his only comfort item is still me... or is that unlucky? I've tried to give him different things over and over... but nothing has bonded with him! =)

Aunt Spicy said...

What size did you make them? The fabrics are fabulous!