Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Quest for Meow Meow

Does the title have you going there?

Let's just say, that one boy's Meow another boy's woobie, Lovie, Blankie, foo-fie or George....for's meow meow....the uber loved....uber important...all consuming blue blanket with the lion head stuck to the top....

It must travel with us at all times...dine with us, play with us in the sandbox...and even at times suddenly and without warning, end up in the bath with us. It must never be cleaned (heaven forbid) and it must taste test all food before the toddler make sure it is palatable of course.

I've always heard that as a parent, it is SUPER important to procure a second, identical, favorite lovey, just in case the first one ends up missing, or taking an extended cruise of the bahamas with other loveys.....fabulous idea....however at the time your child is born, you have NO idea what soft thing they will become attached too.

OUR particular Meow Meow of choice, became discontinued by target about a year ago.....who what have thought right?......So low and behold.....the other day when suddenly Meow Meow could not be found....The World was ending, 2012 came 2 years early, and I'm sure that Noah was thinking one of the dogs had eaten his favorite friend. Oh the agony.....24 hours later, Meow Meow was found, IN his potty chair....(luckily we haven't really begun potty training yet)

Those CRAZY, INSANE....Mama needs a drink....48 hours got me on an internet quest to find a 2nd Meow help curtail, or eliminate any possible Meow Meow losings in the future. The Quest was long....and arduous, and finally led me to EBAY, where the ONLY 2 Identical Meow Meows I could find were going selling for almost $40 a piece.....I think we paid all of $10 for the first one....My College Econ Teacher was so right.......that stinking law of Supply and Demand.....

I have to say, Daddy and I really debated on if we were out of our MINDS to even consider paying that much for a woobie with a head on it.....and then, we remembered the past 48 hours, and quickly put in our bid.....

I am beginning to realize......that when it comes to certain things (like sanity) and our children.....price really isn't an issue......



Unknown said...

So glad you were able to find a "meow meow"! BTW, I absolutely LOVE his shirt...I'm a Miami grad and have so much fun dressing my kiddos in the gear!

Unknown said...

LOL! Great job in securing a back up, I don't know what we would do if George got lost! {liked the reference to him too ;) }

Bagels Recipes said...

Loved reading this thanks