Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Baby Food Project

"To Gerber or Not to Gerber" ...that is the question....

Deciding if Noah was going to be fed jar baby food...or homemade baby food was not one of the questions I had ever pondered either before or after becoming a mommy....I mean....almost every baby in America eats commercial baby food...don't they????...The Gerber Baby is everyone's's even considered a compliment to look like the Gerber when it came time to feed my little man his first taste of decision was almost a surprise to me...I want to do the HOMEMADE BABY FOOD challenge....and I've never looked back...

I've read a number of articles and websites that peaked my interest in giving it a try...what the heck...if I didn't like it...or Noah turned his little nose up at it...I could easily go down to Target and buy up some Jar stuff right????....

Let me just say how easy it is THE site to go to...they give you information of what foods you should introduce to your baby when...ways to prepare and store your baby food....the nutritional properties of each I know what benefits Noah is getting...and what I really loved....the cost benefit...that alone would sway me...with our family income now cut in half....Beech Nut priced at $ .23 per oz...when you make your own bananas ( depending on the price)...(Mine was .50 a lb) it comes out to $.01 per amazing difference...

Plus!!!....Noah and I spend awesome quality time together in kitchen...he watches me cook...and we chat...and he loves to be my little taste tester....What more could any mom want???...I know...How about a good excuse to eat more of my fruits and veggies....a great example is I made Noah his yummy baby squash the other day...I saved one squash and made a fabulous Squash it's healthy for both of us...


Lindsey said...

You make wholemade baby food?!?! Look at you go! I never tried I wish I had! Good for you! =)