Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On Tuesday....

A little insight into a very non-typical Tuesday Morning....

After the usual Morning Send Off.....where one very brave Three Year Old...goes off to Conquer the World of Preschool....his weapon of choice, his well loved Blankie in Hand....

it still gets to me....seeing him wave from the bus window......I still don't think I'm ready....

when he's 25, I still don't think I'll be ready.....

Enjoy some quality time with one very snuggly pre-toddler, who smells of a combination of maple syrup and clean laundry.....which probably means I should probably check my laundry basket to see if my underwear is stuck to a towel.....or if my husbands jeans smell like they should be slathered in butter....

Try for the 1 millionth time to become a dog whisperer.....and explain why I don't need help changing diapers.....and hopefully understand the extreme hatred of all things squirrel related....

If anyone has some insight....or the number to a good pet therapist....it would be greatly appreciated.

Begin the annual transformation of the house from Summer....To Autumn.......by getting my hands dirty....and praying to the gardening Gods.....that I will this time, be blessed with even a hint of a green thumb......all the while chanting "I will not kill the plants....." I'll let you know how that turns out!

Tomorrow should prove to be a very interesting Wednesday.....

It's the day I perform my civic Duty....

and show up for jury duty....

I can honestly say, it's taken me 14 years for me to finally get summoned....and I was a little nervous to get that ominous card in the mail.....

And though, I have absolutely no idea yet, what I'll do if I do get chosen....as Jury duty isn't one of those things that seems to be, family friendly......

I'm actually excited to possibly get a chance to actually go inside the courts....and see first hand how our judicial system works....

Wonder if I can borrow a certain Brave Boy's Blankie......


Sublime Dream said...

Hey lady!!! I didn't know you were back to blogging on this one! Yay!!! Miss you! So, I see the bus to ore school- does that mean N went to the elementary school after EI? That's what K did!

Sublime Dream said...

? ;)